Business Cloud

The modern Real Estate professional manages lots of data, especially for audience engagement. Our Business Cloud solution goals are to give Real Estate Professionals a secure and stable data storage network coupled with all the right tools to leverage that information. Our cloud services to plug into any operation new or existing.

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Cloud Components

Mobile First

Our output systems are responsive and designed to change shape based on the screen interacting with the content. This means everyone viewing the data will experience it at the best possible format. There are billions of potential customers on Earth for your Real Estate business, our cloud service will support that.


We carefully choose technologies that allow us to scale rapidly to support your Real Estate business. Our engineering teams are heavily invested in developing AI robots that are used to support Real Estate professionals in their daily activities. A scalable application supports this development and allows us to be feature rich without cutting corners.

Real Estate Focused

When companies choose to use third party cookie cutter systems means there are shortcuts involved. We refuse to cut corners, we want to be the elite provider for the Real Estate industry. Our systems are developed by engineers that know the industry; we truly want to help Real Estate professionals have a solid cloud service to manage their data with.

StrutWorks Integrations